NFS Setup on RHVH

Tags: Hosted Engine, NFS, RHVH, Red Hat, Storage, Virtualization

Chapter 4. Exporting NFS shares Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 | Red Hat Customer Portal

Create the file system

  1. Ascertain the correct disk using:

    fdisk -l
    fdisk <device-id>
    n #to create a new partition
    w #write to the partition table
  2. Make xfs filesystem

    mkfs.xfs /dev/<device-id>
    blacklist {
            devnode "^sd[a-z]"

    Restart the multipath daemon using:

    systemctl restart mutlipathd
  3. Install nfs-utils to enable nfs shares:

    yum install nfs-utils
  4. Ascertain that rpcbind is running:

    systemctl status rpcbind
  5. If rpcbind is not started, start it using:

    systemctl enable --now rpcbind
  6. Enable nfs-server

    systemctl enable nfs-server
    systemctl start nfs-server
  7. Mount the shared partition:

    mkdir /storage #create the folder to mount the partition
    mount -t xfs /dev/<dev-id> /storage
  8. Auto-mount partition on startup using fstab: /Find the block id of the partition:



    • Note the highlighted UUID which you get, this will be used later

    • Make the following entry in /etc/fstab replacing the UUID with the one you found in the previous command:

      UUID=a94f4872-9607-488b-8661-a7f8d79ea924 /storage xfs defaults 0 2
    • Mount the file system:

      mount -a
  9. To share the mount on nfs, make the following entry in the /etc/exports:

    /storage hostname.tld(rw)


    The format of the /etc/exports file is very precise, particularly in regards to use of the space character. Remember to always separate exported file systems from hosts and hosts from one another with a space character. However, there should be no other space characters in the file except on comment lines.

    For example, the following two lines do not mean the same thing:

    /home (rw)

    The first line allows only users from read and write access to the /home directory. The second line allows users from to mount the directory as read-only (the default), while the rest of the world can mount it read/write.

  10. Restart the nfs-server:

    systemctl restart nfs-server
  11. Add firewall rules to enable access from other hosts:

    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service mountd
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service rpc-bind
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service nfs
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<mountd-port>/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<mountd-port>/udp
    firewall-cmd --reload